sound-body experiences to


& raise your frequency


I believe we all have the innate ability to tap into the power of flow—a natural state of joy, energy, and expansion—where we express ourselves authentically. Unfortunately, the heavy weight of stress, fear, and limiting beliefs often block us
from accessing this space of unlimited potential.

With my integrative approach and diverse experiences in music and mind-body practices, my goal is to guide you in discovering ways to embrace your authentic self. It is only when we discover that we are each beautiful and enough as is that we can truly connect to ourselves and others.

For the conscious adventurers ready to feel
confident, creative, and connected…

Christine Donaldson Music


  • Listen to Christine’s original album available on all music services here, watch her youtube channel here, and follow along for upcoming shows and performances.

  • Christine offers group singing courses, workshops, and voice coaching. Learn more here.

  • Christine offers live music across a variety of genres, as well as sound healing, available to book for groups, gatherings, and private events.


  • Christine teaches yoga at Cloudbreak studio in Sausalito and METTA Yoga studios in Corte Madera and San Rafael. Click here to find the schedule or follow Christine’s IG.

  • Coming soon!

  • Christine is regularly booked for ski and sport brand shoots or content creator partnerships. If you are a brand or production agency who would like to partner with Christine, send her a message on her contact page!

coming soon

coaching & counseling for individuals, couples, & groups


learn more

who are you not to shine?

*goddess song circle: series coming soon!*

*goddess song circle: series coming soon!*


i’m Christine

I fell in love with music and skiing from a young age, and these two pursuits have become intertwined, creating a beautiful cycle of inspiration, expression, and reflection. Nature’s gifts fuels my adventures, while my heart’s song expresses gratitude for the experiences I encounter. Not only have these two passions shaped my life, they taught me the transformative power of flow states — where everything feels effortlessly harmonious and connected. Through my offerings of music, movement, and mind-body practices, I strive to create a space where you can tap into your own flow states, for you to find peace, joy, and magic in your daily life.


up coming events

Live concert calendar,
coming soon!